Thursday, September 20, 2007

This is Zaw Naing, delivering a speech at US Attorney General Office, Department of Justice, New York. Many people delivered speeches.
We learnt about the US AG office's functions to fight mis-conducts, corruptions, and bribery of government officials including and law-enforcement agencies such as police (e.g., NYPS, prison guards, FBI, IRS, DEA, etc.), and elected representatives.
We learnt about somes cases such as Medicare Fraud- selling the medicare cards and making easy money by medicare staff, and Mortgage Fraud- by false appraisals which lead to the loans of large amount of money against the real-estate collaterals which really worth less.

We appreciate Mr. Rob Radick and Ms. Sarah Loyne, Asst. U.S. Attorneys of Public Integrity Unit at US Attorney General Office, New York.

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